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Top 5 Bathroom Hacks

By June 18, 2018April 1st, 2023No Comments

Make Your Life Easier

When it comes to space and organization in your bathroom, sometimes things can get a little chaotic. Whether you have a huge bathroom with a separate shower and jacuzzi tub or fight to share a sink with your partner, everyone would opt for more space if they could have it. With remodeling being quite expensive, here are a few hacks to make your life a little easier and a lot more spacious.

Hang Baskets on the Wall

Wire baskets are perfect for mounting on the wall with a couple of washers, anchors, and screws. Whether you use them to store folded towels or decor, these make for inexpensive yet stylish wall fixtures. Not your favorite color? Wire baskets can be spray painted to fit your personalized bathroom color scheme.

Store your lotions, sprays, and makeup in a shoe organizer.

With only a couple of dollars at your local superstore, shoe organizers can do wonders for your bathroom organization. Hang on the inside of your bathroom door, and you’ll have more space for your items.

Store Plastic Bags in an Old Tissue Box

If you love saving your plastic grocery bags and using them for your bathroom trash can, this is a perfect organizer. Organizing plastic bags can get a little chaotic, especially in the bathroom, where they are scattered about the floor. Instead, use an old tissue box and store it under the sink

Organize Magazines on a Hanger

Ordinary magazines and newspaper holders can take up space on your bathroom floor. Instead, open the magazine roughly in the middle and lay it over the rod of a hanger. Then hang the hanger on a cabinet, nod, and voila.

Wine Racks for Towels

Folded towels can take up a lot of potentially useful space in your bathroom cabinets. For a quick fix, you can roll towels up and place them on a wine rack to store in your bathroom. Not only does this free up more space for you, but works as another decorative touch to your bathroom.

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