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Saving Energy

What You Can Do to Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

By January 1, 2019April 1st, 2023No Comments

To keep our Earth strong and resilient, we must do our part. Luckily, we can contribute in reducing the human carbon footprint by making changes to our homes that can impact both the environment and your energy bills. Here are some ways you can pitch in to make your home green.

Light it up!

Why haven’t you switched yet? It only makes sense to do so. LED light bulbs are 85% more energy efficient than regular bulbs. They use less electricity and last way longer. Go out now and replace your bulbs!

Energy Efficient Windows

If you have never considered replacing your windows, take a second look. High-quality, energy-efficient windows can benefit the whole house. They provide better insulation, by creating an effective barrier between the outside elements and the cozy inside of the home. Plus, with less energy consumption you and your wallet will be much happier.

Solar PanelsEnvironmentally Friendly Home, What You Can Do to Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

An excellent opportunity to be eco-friendly is to invest in solar panels. Solar power systems collect clean energy from the sun and help run your home. Although it may be costly at first, over time the solar panels can pay themselves off. Further, the environment also benefits. By reducing electricity consumption, fewer fossil fuels are consumed, and fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere.

A Smarter Bathroom

The room that holds your porcelain thrown can be smarter too. First, start by replacing your toilet with a low-flow model. Although in the past, low-flow toilets have had a bad wrap due to a weak flush, modern low-flush toilets provide plenty of power while using less water. Second, upgrade the efficiency of your current shower head. A typical showerhead may use anywhere from 5 to 8 gallons of water per minute, however, with a low-flow head, water consumption can be brought down to 2 ½ gallons per minute with the same amount of pressure.

Keep Plants Indoor

Clean your indoor air and green-up your living area by filling up your house with live plants. When placed around the house they act as natural air filters, and depending on the plant some have properties to absorb harmful pollutants emitted by surrounding items. Plants to consider that are easy to maintain and require little water and sunlight.:

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig
  • Peace Lily
  • Cactus
  • Chinese Evergreen

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